Programs Offered:

  1. BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics (HND)
  2. M.Phil Human Nutrition & Dietetics
  3. MS Food Science and Technology
BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics (HND)
# Course Title Credit Hours
Semester-I Theory Lab
1 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition 3 0
2 Essentials of Food Science & Technology 2 1
3 Mathematics-I 3 0
4 English-I 3 0
5 Introductory Biochemistry 2 1
6 Islamic Studies 2 0
Total 17
Semester-II Theory Lab
1 Macronutrients in Human Nutrition 3 0
2 English-II 3 0
3 Introduction to Computers 2 1
4 Food Microbiology 2 1
5 Community Nutrition 2 1
6 Introduction to Psychology 3 0
Total 17
1 Micronutrients in Human Nutrition 3 0
2 Physiology-I 2 1
3 English-III 3 0
4 Food  Biotechnology 2 1
5 Human Anatomy 2 1
6 Food Safety 2 0
Total 17
Semester-IV Theory Lab
1 Bio-Statistics 2 1
2 Pakistan Studies 2 0
3 Assessment of Nutritional Status 2 1
4 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 3 0
5 General Pathology 2 1
6 Food Analysis 1 2
Total 18
Semester V Theory Lab
1 Dietetics-I 2 1
2 Nutrition and Psychology 3 0
3 Nutritional Education and Awareness 2 1
4 Meal Planning and Management 2 1
5 Public Health Nutrition 2 1
6 Food and Drug Laws 2 0
Total 17
Semester VI Theory Lab
1 Dietetics-II 3 1
2 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals 3 0
3 Nutrition Through Social Protection 2 0
4 Sports Nutrition 2 1
5 Infant and Young Child Feeding 2 1
6 Clinical Biochemistry 1 2
Total 17
Semester VII Theory Lab
1 Dietetics-III 2 1
2 Global Food Issues 3 0
3 Research Methods in Nutrition 3 0
4 Nutritional Practices in Clinical Care 2 1
5 Nutrients Drugs Interaction 2 0
6 Nutrition in Emergency 3 0
Total 17
 Semester VIII Theory Lab
1 Internship/Project 0 6
2 Nutrition Policies and Programs 3 0
3 Food Service Management 3 0
4 Metabolism of Nutrients 2 0
5 Nutritional Deficiency Disorder 3 0
Total 17
.                                                                                                     Total Credit Hours: 137
M. Phil Nutrition
# Course Title Credit Hours
Semester-I Theory Lab
1 Pediatric and Geriatric Nutrition 3 0
2 Statistics for Research 2 1
3 Recent Advances in Dietetics 3 0
Total 09
Semester-II Theory Lab
1 Molecular Physiology & Immunology of  Nutrition 2 1
2 Analytical Techniques in Nutrition 3 0
3 Metabolism of Bioactive Nutrients 3 0
Total 09
Semester-II Theory Lab
1 Nutrigenomics and Proteomics 2 1
2 Advanced Medical Therapy 2 1
3 Epidemiology & Public Health Nutrition 2 1
4 Synopsis Writing    
Total 09
Semester-III & IV    
1 Thesis 0 6
Total 6
Total Credit Hours: 33
MS Food Science & Technology (FST)
# Course Title Credit Hours
Semester-I Theory Lab
1 Food Toxicology 3 0
2 Baking Science and Technology 2 1
3 Statistics for Research 2 1
4 Seminar 1 0
Total 10
Semester-II Theory Lab
1 Food Additives 2 1
2 Advanced Beverage Technology 2 1
3 Food Quality Assurance Management 3 0
4 Special Problem 1 0
Total 10
Semester - III Theory Lab
1  Research Project & Scientific Writing 2 1
2 Post-Harvest Management           3 0
3 Recent  Advances in Food Science and Technology 2 1
4 Synopsis Writing    
Total 09
Semester – IV Theory Lab
1 Thesis 0 6
Total 06
Total Credit Hours: 35